Dit heb ik er over gevonden...Jan_B schreef:Klopt. De vraag is: hoe snel ?BungaMan schreef:Beetje redeneren... die aantrekking gebeurt door zwaartekracht. Hoe meer materie in de kern terecht komt, hoe sterker de aantrekkingskracht. Dat ding moet dus groeien.
I asked Professor Lawrence Lerner of UC-Long Beach about what the size of a hypothetical black hole created in a hadron collider might be and how long it would take to eat the Earth.
Dr. Lerner ran some quick calculations and assumed a black hole equal to the mass of the colliding beams of protons, and deduced that it would take upwards of a billion years for a black hole of that mass to eat enough of the planet to have a noticeable effect.
A billion years.
volledig artikel: http://the-reaction.blogspot.com/2008/0 ... llide.html