URL-bijlage niet openen in Outlook Express

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Berichten: 2
Lid geworden op: 11 jan 2004, 17:16
Locatie: Antwerpen

Wanneer ik met OutlookExpress e-mails ontvang met een bijlage met vermelding ***.URL en ik wil via de paperclips dze openen, staat deze grijs en is het niet mogelijk het te openen.
Wat ontbreekt hier ????

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[mod="The Oddity"]
Titel iets duidelijk gemaakt[/mod]
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Tools -> Opties -> tabblad Beveiliging -> Opslaan of openen van bestanden die mogelijk een virus bevatten ---> afvinken!


Berichten: 2
Lid geworden op: 11 jan 2004, 17:16
Locatie: Antwerpen

pandoerke schreef:Wanneer ik met OutlookExpress e-mails ontvang met een bijlage met vermelding ***.URL en ik wil via de paperclips dze openen, staat deze grijs en is het niet mogelijk het te openen.
Wat ontbreekt hier ????

Bedankt voor een positief antwoord


Raad opgevolgd, alles werkt,
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Lid geworden op: 29 maa 2004, 15:51
Locatie: Belgie / Gent

Misschien dat dit helpt

Open Blocked File Attachments in Outlook and Outlook Express

Force Outlook and Outlook Express to let you open a wide variety of file attachments that they normally block.

The world is full of nasty email-borne worms and viruses, and everyone certainly needs to be protected from them. But Microsoft, in the latest versions of Outlook and Outlook Express, takes a Big Nurse, draconian approach to the problem; it refuses to let you open a wide variety of file attachments sent to you via email, including those ending in .exe, .bat, and many other common file extensions. (Eudora doesn't!) The theory is that there's a possibility that a file with one of those extensions may be dangerous, so you shouldn't be allowed to open any file with that extension. That's like banning all cars because some people sometimes get into accidents.

When you try to open a file with one of those blocked extensions, you get the following error message: "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments," and then you get a list of the attachments in your email that you can't open.

Depending on your version of Outlook, Outlook Express and whether you've applied a Service Pack update to either of them, your version may or may not exhibit this behavior. Some older versions don't act this way; all newer versions do.

The simplest way to know whether your version acts this way is to see what happens when you get one of the blocked file attachments. If it's allowed to go through, there's no need to use this hack. If it's blocked, get thee to the keyboard. Outlook and Outlook Express handle the problem differently, so we'll take a look at each.

6.3.1 Force Outlook to Let You Open Blocked File Attachments
Outlook assigns a level of risk to every file attachment sent to you. Level 1 is considered unsafe, so Outlook blocks your access to them; you won't be able to open the files. Level 2 is considered a moderate risk, and you won't be able to open those files directly. Instead, you have to save the files to disk, and then you'll be able to open them. I'm not clear on how that increases security, but that's what Microsoft has done. Oh, and there's another oddball fact about Level 2: no file types are considered Level 2 risks. The only way for a file to be considered at that risk level is if you use Outlook in concert with a Microsoft Exchange Server and the administrator uses his administration tools to put file extensions into that risk category. The administrator is also the only person who can take file extensions out of the category. So, you can pretty much ignore that category, unless you have some convincing official reason for changing your company's policy. Any file types not in Levels 1 and 2 are considered "other" and you can open them normally.

To force Outlook to let you open blocked file attachments, use this Registry hack. Before starting, you need to know the list of Level 1 file attachments that Outlook blocks. They're listed in Table 6-2. Just to make things more confusing, depending on your version of Office and what Service Pack you've installed, not all of these extensions may be blocked.

Table 6-2. Blocked file extensions in Outlook Extension
File type

Microsoft Access project extension

Microsoft Access project

Visual FoxPro Application

Windows Media audio/video

Microsoft Visual Basic class module

Batch file

Compiled HTML Help file

Microsoft Windows NT Command script

MS-DOS program

Control Panel extension

Security certificate

Unix shell extension

Executable program

Visual FoxPro Compiled Program

Help file

HTML program

Setup information

Internet Naming Service

Internet Communications settings

Jscript file

Jscript Encoded Script file

Unix shell extension


Microsoft Access add-in program

Microsoft Access program

Microsoft Access MDE database

Microsoft Access workgroup information

Microsoft Access workgroup information

Microsoft Access wizard program

Microsoft Common Console document

Microsoft Windows Installer package

Microsoft Windows Installer patch

Microsoft Windows Installer transform; Microsoft Visual Test source file

Office XP settings

Photo CD image; Microsoft Visual compiled script

Shortcut to MS-DOS program

Microsoft Outlook profile settings

Visual FoxPro Program

Registry entries

Windows Explorer command

Screen saver

Shell Scrap object

Shell Scrap object

Internet shortcut

VBScript file

VBScript Encoded script file

VBScript file

Windows Script Component

Windows Script file

Windows Script Host Setting file

Decide which of the file extensions you want to be able to open from within Outlook, and close down Outlook if it's running. Then run the Registry Editor [Hack #68] and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Security, which, as its name implies, handles Outlook security. Create a new String value called Level1Remove. In the Value Data field, type the name of the file extension that you want to be able to open—for example, .exe. You can add multiple file extensions. If you do, separate them with semicolons, but no spaces, like this: .exe;.bat;.pif. Use Table 6-2 as a guide for which blocked file extensions you want to be able to open.

When you're done, exit the Registry and reboot. You'll now be able to open the file extensions you specified.

There's also an Outlook add-in that will let you open blocked email attachments without having to edit the Registry. The Attachment Options add-in, available from http://www.slovaktech.com/attachmentoptions.htm, lets you visually change which attachments you can open, and it also lets you set an additional option—having Outlook ask you whether you want to open certain file extensions on a case-by-case basis, rather than blocking them or automatically opening them. The author asks that you send a $10 donation if you use the add-in.

If you know who's sending you a certain attachment, you can also have them zip the file and resend it to you. That way, you're getting a file with a .zip file extension, which will get through.

6.3.2 Force Outlook Express to Let you Open Blocked File Attachments
Depending on your version of Outlook Express, it may prevent you from opening certain email file attachments, in the same way that Outlook blocks certain files.

If you have installed Windows XP Service Pack 1, Outlook Express Service Pack 1, or Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, you'll be blocked from opening certain email file attachments. Also, if you have a newer version of XP, you may also be blocked.

With Outlook Express, unlike with Outlook, you won't be able to determine on an extension-by-extension basis which attachments you can open. Instead, you can tell the program to let you open all blocked extensions or you can tell it to stop you from opening any blocked extensions.

To tell Outlook Express to let you open blocked attachments, choose Tools Options Security and clear the box next to "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus," as shown in Figure 6-6. You may have to close Outlook Express and restart it in order for the settings to take effect.

Figure 6-6. Forcing Outlook Express to let you open all email attachments


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