Hi all - newer firmware

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Berichten: 4
Lid geworden op: 23 maa 2006, 17:09

Sorry I'm an english speaker.

anyway here
http://mirror.opensourcehub.com/pub/spe ... v5.4.0.14/

you can find the latest firmware to our tele2 box

One question to anyone - what's the story with speedtouch and RWIN? I connected my previous router (Philips) and I got the correct RWIN of my PC but the speedtouch router blocks it and say 4096. Did anymone tried to change the box via telnet, then go and type menu and see the parameters of the firewall? There is an RWIN there but it does not seems to effect the results i see in


Is it the firewall or any other parameter I can change to make it faster?

Last point - Tele2 speed s**** (really) - i mean what's the point if the line goes to 300kbit or worse and the SIP telephone makes tick noises (hehehe) and disconnect?
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No problem. As it seems the Tele2 techs speak only Chinese, English won't be too much of a problem. :twisted:

Haven't toyed with Rwin as yet. I know it's quite an important (probably the most important) part of attempting to tweak your broadband TCP/IP-based connection system, but since Tele2 is still having huge bandwidth problems, it's not the highest priority on my agenda. The best working tweak so far for me was achieved by disabling that webbased interception thingy. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you start there.

As for Tele2's speed s**** b****, well, it's been worse not that long ago. My personal "all low record" was 6 Kbyte/sec. Tele2 has been promising improvement of the current situation, and they seem to be doing it, albeit _slowly_.

As far as phone problems, I haven't had symptomatic problems since a week or two now. In fact, the VOIP system works pretty much flawless now over here. If you're really having that much trouble, check your physical line condition (S/N and Attenuation) and see if they're still OK.

Ah, and welcome on board. This ship of fools can always use an extra hand. :wink:
Berichten: 4
Lid geworden op: 23 maa 2006, 17:09

Hey kaween
Thanks, I know it does feel a bit foolish to have moved to Tele2 from the bandwidth levels. To be honest I joined them mainly for the fact I am a heavy user of bandwidth - and so I thought i could use the "flat fee after 5 extra gb" plan they had. a lot of streaming videos with reduction of my extra payment for belgacom.

What I totally did not expected is the horrible bandwidth they will offer. i mean it's funny but last saturday I had the 6kb/s and I was so sure i f*** up my pc i re-installed it - and then found out it was not me. seriously - i thought it can't be that bad it must have been sometime i installed.

If I compare my previous provider (Belgacom) to tele2/versatel it's.... the earth and the moon.

Hmm...well I can only blame myself. you get what you pay for...right?

Have a great day and i will update u all if i will find any findings
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