Gisteren is onze server ( ong. een uur continu tussen 80 en 100% cpu aan 't draaien geweest. Netwerkperformance ging helemaal plat.Heb 'm herstart en was terug in orde.
Kon niet vinden wat 't probleem was.
Hebben ADSL modem => firewall => switch => 10 PC's + server
log van onze firewall :
01/28/2005 16:23:05.160 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped
source :, 29574, LAN
destination :, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:25:19.176 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped
source :, 8, LAN
destination :, 8, WAN
01/28/2005 16:27:28.128 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 32050, LAN, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:28:54.912 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 32901, LAN, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:31:03.528 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 34186, LAN, 135, WAN
en zo maar verder...
What the hell was dit?
Emailbom op onze server?
- Member
- Berichten: 95
- Lid geworden op: 23 jun 2004, 22:21
- Contacteer:
mmmz poort 135 open.Thomas VDB schreef:Gisteren is onze server ( ong. een uur continu tussen 80 en 100% cpu aan 't draaien geweest. Netwerkperformance ging helemaal plat.Heb 'm herstart en was terug in orde.
Kon niet vinden wat 't probleem was.
Hebben ADSL modem => firewall => switch => 10 PC's + server
log van onze firewall :
01/28/2005 16:23:05.160 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped
source :, 29574, LAN
destination :, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:25:19.176 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped
source :, 8, LAN
destination :, 8, WAN
01/28/2005 16:27:28.128 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 32050, LAN, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:28:54.912 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 32901, LAN, 135, WAN
01/28/2005 16:31:03.528 The cache is full; too many open connections; some will be dropped, 34186, LAN, 135, WAN
en zo maar verder...
What the hell was dit?
TCP port 135 poort open = Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ~ MSblaster worm: checkt u clients eens