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Ongelimiteerd mobiel internet

Geplaatst: 01 nov 2018, 13:08
door yvesfouquet4
Wegens de abnormaal hoge prijzen van mobiele internetabonnementen vroeg ik me af of het mogelijk is een contract af te sluiten met een nederlandse provider (deze zijn doorgaands goedkoper).

Dus een mobiel internet aanschaffen in NL met nederlands nr, en dit gaan gebruiken in Belgie (roaming kost is nu tocj afgeschaft). Heeft iemand dit ooit al geprobeerd? Is het efficient qua snelheden etc?

Bedankt voor feedback

Re: Ongelimiteerd mobiel internet

Geplaatst: 01 nov 2018, 13:19
door krisken
Dat is exact wat ik doe met Free (Franse operator) : 25GB op 3G in België.

Re: Ongelimiteerd mobiel internet

Geplaatst: 01 nov 2018, 15:33
door Thomaz
Alles hangt af hoe strikt ze zijn op de interpretatie van de regels omtrent de europese roaming.
Als je geen stabiele relatie hebt met het land van de operator mag men je in principe afschakelen.

Re: Ongelimiteerd mobiel internet

Geplaatst: 01 nov 2018, 19:18
door ChelloExtremer
3. How long can I roam like at home when I am abroad?

The general rule is that as long as you spend more time at home than abroad, or you use your mobile phone more at home than abroad, you can roam at domestic prices when travelling wherever in the EU. This is considered a fair use of roaming services.

If this is not the case, your mobile operator may contact you. Operators can detect possible abuses based on the balance of roaming and domestic activity over a fourmonth period: if you spend a majority of your time abroad and consume more abroad than at home over the four months, the operator can ask you to clarify the situation within 14 days. If you continue roaming more than you are at home, your operator may start applying a small charge to your roaming consumption. This will be capped at 3.2 cents per minute of voice call and 1 cent per SMS. For data, the maximum surcharge will be €7.7 per GB (as of 15 June 2017), falling to €6 per GB (as of 1 January 2018), €4.5 per GB (as of 1 January 2019), €3.5 per GB (as of 1 January 2020), €3 per GB (as of 1 January 2021) and finally €2.5 per GB (as of 1 January 2022).
19. I have unlimited data at home. How do I know the volume of roam like at home data that I get?

If your national mobile bundle includes unlimited data, your operator must provide you with a large volume of roam like at home data depending on the price of your mobile bundle.

Your operator should clearly inform you of this roam like at home data allowance. In case you use more data while roaming than the data allowance foresees, you may have to pay a small charge (See also question 21).

If you want to check the operator’s calculation, here is how: the roaming data volume must be at least twice the volume obtained by dividing the price of your mobile bundle (excluding VAT) by €7.7. For your information, €7.7 is the maximum price that your operator has to pay the foreign operator for 1 GB of data when you are abroad in the EU during 2017. This means that you may get more roam like at home data than the volume your operator can purchase with your monthly subscription from the foreign operator whose network you are using abroad.

Example: At home, you have a mobile bundle including unlimited calls, SMS and data for €42 (€35 excluding 20% VAT). When travelling in the EU, you get roam like at home for unlimited calls and SMS, and at least 9.1 GB of data (2*(35 / 7.7) =9.1). ... rs-roaming

Re: Ongelimiteerd mobiel internet

Geplaatst: 28 nov 2018, 21:36
door guntherstassen
Is free een prepaid of maandelijks abonnement?
Wordt deze per post opgestuurd of moet je ergens in een supermarkt deze halen?