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4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 10:44
door THeRiPPeR
Sorry to post in English but I'm not fluent in dutch :oops:

Could someone help me with the following :

Yesterday, I have installed the new 6.1 on 1 iPad Mini & 1 iPad 4... I've well the LTE switch now but I'm unable to reach the 4G network... Proximus confirmed that both SIM's were enabled for 4G... And I'm in a 4G area (tested with a Samsung Note)

iPad Mini have Carrier Proximus 14.1
iPad 4 have Carrier Proximus 14.1.1 (I've uploaded the IPCC posted on this forum as it was initially for iPad)

Is it correct ? Where can I find the original IPCC for iPad and iPad Mini to put them again on my devices to see if it's change something ?


Re: 4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 11:50
door powaq
Same issue on my iPad.. I tried with my Generation Connect card but was unable to connect to the LTE network.

Re: 4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 11:55
door THeRiPPeR

Which Carrier do you have on your iPad ? 14.1 or 14.1.1 ?


Re: 4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 11:58
door krisken
THeRiPPeR schreef: And I'm in a 4G area (tested with a Samsung Note)
Does the Samsung Note have 4G?

Re: 4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 12:03
door Lord Utopia
There is a Galaxy Note 2 version with LTE: GT-N7105

Re: 4G on iPad 4 & iPad Mini

Geplaatst: 30 jan 2013, 12:11
door powaq
THeRiPPeR schreef:Powaq,

Which Carrier do you have on your iPad ? 14.1 or 14.1.1 ?

14.1, it's an iPad 4 that I bought last week. I did get the LTE switch, turned it on but it didn't connect to LTE. Tried restoring network settings, rebooting etc and eventually just gave up :)

It is possible that LTE is not enabled on my account though... I didn't call customer service to check because it doesn't really matter for me. I used my iPhone 4's sim to test it out. There's another SIM going into the iPad, but that account doesn't support LTE anyway.