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fon setup problems any ideas?

Geplaatst: 02 dec 2011, 11:42
door dreuzel
Fon problem /allowing multiple wifi stations to connect automaticaly

Wifi devices these days are rather primitive, and battle a lot finding the strongest-best signal.
in principle the most powerfull WIFI will be connected.

In a home network using only one transmitter it will be home.
in the outside world it will depend on availability of the combination strongest-access rights

Wished optimal Behavior:
A) we want to connect the mobile/portable/tab to the local network when at home/work
Better security better performance , additional functionality like basic authentication sync...
B) when on the road we will need the FON_* account All places except at home .
Web access,news ....

Mobile devices do not addapt the connection where they are ....... and manual setup is not the goal of the thread
so it is quite likely you will connect to the FON account when your at home !!!!!
This is not the prefered way to connect ..... how can this problem be solved ??????
some wifi connections should be prefered above FON.... how can that be set

android ifconfig ?....
any idea's
