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Speedtouch 780 non-transparent bridge config

Geplaatst: 02 feb 2009, 20:13
door mjrjax
Hallo daar. Ik heb sinds vandaag dommel, maar mijn Speedtouch 780 doet een beetje vreemd. Hij werkt als volledig transparante brug en er is maar één pc die een (publiek) IP adres krijgt:

Code: Selecteer alles

                                    Speedtouch modem
              PC1-------------------Switch--------------------PC4                      /                \               public ip address
                                  /                  \
                                 /                    \
                                |                      |
                                |                      |
                                |                      |
                                |                      |
                              PC2                    PC3

De andere pc's krijgen een IP van de speedtouch, maar zijn volledig afgesloten van het internet.

Ik zou graag de Speedtouch zo configureren dat hij als routing gateway functioneert. Heeft iemand daar een goede config voor? :)

Re: Speedtouch 780 non-transparent bridge config

Geplaatst: 02 feb 2009, 22:56
door psmammoth
Ik vermoed dat je cityConnect hebt ? Dan kan je het volgende als .ini laden (configuration). Daarna werkt hij in RFC1483 routed mode.

Code: Selecteer alles

[ env.ini ]
set var=CONF_DEVICE value="706|716v5|780|787"
set var=CONF_REGION value="Nederland"
set var=CONF_PROVIDER value="Providers met RFC1483 verbinding"
set var=CONF_DESCRIPTION value="Router met RFC1483 Internet verbinding en standaard configuratie zonder telefonie."
set var=CONF_SERVICE value="Router - standaard configuratie zonder telefonie"
set var=CONF_DATE value=""
set var=CONF_TPVERSION value="2.0.0"
set var=CONF_WIZARD value="R6x_v17"
set var=HOST_SETUP value="auto"
set var=HOST_LANGUAGE value="en"
set var=UPGRADE_URL value=""
set var=ATM_addr value="8.35"
set var=%ST_SYS_USERID value="Administrator"
set var=%ST_SYS_PASSWORD value=""
set var=ST_ACL_CONFIG value="unlock"

[ wizard.ini ]
' ST Security
' -----------
def var=ST type=grp desc="Voor toegangsbeveiliging van de SpeedTouch kunt u zelf een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord kiezen voor de 'administrator' van de modem. Dit is echter NIET VERPLICHT. Voor standaardinstellingen kies 'Volgende'." alias="SpeedTouch Toegangsbeveiliging"
def var=%ST_SYS_USERID type=string grp=ST alias="Gebruikersnaam" req=yes desc="Voer een gebruikersnaam in."
def var=%ST_SYS_PASSWORD type=passw grp=ST alias="Wachtwoord" desc="Voer een wachtwoord in." max=32
def var=%dummy2 type=passwcheck grp=ST alias="Bevestig wachtwoord" desc="Voer het wachtwoord opnieuw in." linkvar=%ST_SYS_PASSWORD max=32

def var=ATM type=grp desc="Kies het ADSL netwerk voor uw Internet verbinding. Deze informatie wordt door uw provider verstrekt." alias="ADSL Netwerk"
def var=ATM_addr type=radioset grp=ATM req=yes alias="ADSL Netwerk" data="0.35,0.34,8.35" dalias="BBned,KPN/Tiscali,Orange(Wanadoo)" default="8.35"

' Wireless Security
' -----------------
pgadd name="WirelessSecurity"

[ phone.ini ]
add name=pvc_Internet addr=$ATM_addr

[ ipqos.ini ]
config dest=pvc_Internet state=enabled
queue config dest=pvc_Internet queue=2 propagate=enabled ackfiltering=enabled

[ atm.ini ]
ifadd intf=atm_Internet
ifconfig intf=atm_Internet dest=pvc_Internet
ifconfig intf=atm_Internet ulp=mac encaps=llc
ifattach intf=atm_Internet

[ eth.ini ]
ifadd intf=ethoa_Internet
ifconfig intf=ethoa_Internet dest=atm_Internet
ifattach intf=ethoa_Internet

[ ppprelay.ini ]

[ ppp.ini ]

[ ip.ini ]
ifadd intf=LocalNetwork dest=bridge
ifadd intf=Internet dest=ethoa_Internet
ifattach intf=LocalNetwork
ifattach intf=Internet
config forwarding=enabled redirects=enabled netbroadcasts=disabled ttl=64 fraglimit=64 defragmode=enabled addrcheck=dynamic mssclamping=enabled
config checkoptions=enabled natloopback=enabled
ipadd intf=LocalNetwork addr= addroute=yes
ipadd intf=LocalNetwork addr= addroute=yes
ipconfig addr= preferred=enabled primary=enabled
ifconfig intf=LocalNetwork mtu=1500 group=lan linksensing=disabled primary=enabled
rtadd dst= gateway=

[ dhcc.ini ]
ifadd intf=Internet
ifconfig intf=Internet metric=1 dnsmetric=1 broadcast=enabled
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=dhcp-lease-time
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=dhcp-renewal-time
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=dhcp-rebinding-time
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=subnet-mask
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=classless-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=default-routers
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=classfull-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Internet option=domain-name-servers
txoptions add intf=Internet option=host-name value=(ascii)dsldevice index=0
txoptions add intf=Internet option=user-class-identifier value="(ascii)Thomson SpeedTouch" index=1
ifattach intf=Internet

[ mlpuser.ini ]
add name=$%ST_SYS_USERID password="" role=Administrator defuser=enabled
add name=$%ST_SYS_USERID password=$%ST_SYS_PASSWORD role=Administrator defuser=enabled
add name=tech password=$_PROD_SERIAL_NBR role=TechnicalSupport defremadmin=enabled
config name=tech password=$__SEC_MODEM_ACCESS_CODE

[ wireless.ini ]
ifconfig channel=auto ssid=$_SSID_SERIAL any=enabled rts=2347 interop=802.11b/g protection=auto protmode=rtscts prottrigger=local&overlap shortslot=auto frameburst=disabled locale=Europe dtim=3
macacl config control=$ST_ACL_CONFIG
secmode wep encryptionkey=$_WEPKEY_SERIAL
secmode wpa-psk presharedkey=$_WPAKEY_SERIAL encryption=TKIP rekeysec=0
secmode config mode=$ST_WF_SECURITY
wds config state=enabled autoaccess=disabled

[ system.ini ]
settime timezone=+01:00 daylightsaving=disabled
config upnp=disabled mdap=enabled drst=disabled resetbutton=enabled
config digestauth=enabled defaultconnection=Internet
config autosave=enabled autosavedelay=10
locale dec_symbol=, group_symbol=. date_separator=- date_format=ddmmyyyy time_format=iso datetime_format=date+time duration_format=dhmmss

[ voice.ini ]
codec config type=g711u ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=2 status=enabled
codec config type=g711a ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=1 status=enabled
codec config type=g726_40 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=5 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_32 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=6 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_24 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=7 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_16 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=8 status=disabled
codec config type=g723.1 ptime_g723=30 vad=disabled priority=4 status=enabled
codec config type=g729 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=3 status=enabled
services config mwi_phone=immediate mwi_network=unsollicited
services withdraw type=transfer
services activate type=transfer
services assign type=transfer servicecode=96
services assign_pxsc type=transfer action=activate servicecode=*96
services assign_pxsc type=transfer action=deactivate servicecode=#96
services withdraw type=hold
services activate type=hold
services assign type=hold servicecode=94
services assign_pxsc type=hold action=activate servicecode=*94
services assign_pxsc type=hold action=deactivate servicecode=#94
services withdraw type=waiting
services deactivate type=waiting
services assign type=waiting servicecode=43
services assign_pxsc type=waiting action=activate servicecode=*43
services assign_pxsc type=waiting action=deactivate servicecode=#43
services withdraw type=mwi
services deactivate type=mwi
services assign type=mwi servicecode=98
services assign_pxsc type=mwi action=activate servicecode=*98
services assign_pxsc type=mwi action=deactivate servicecode=#98
services provision type=clip
services activate type=clip
services assign type=clip servicecode=30
services assign_pxsc type=clip action=activate servicecode=*30
services assign_pxsc type=clip action=deactivate servicecode=#30
services withdraw type=clir
services deactivate type=clir
services assign type=clir servicecode=31
services assign_pxsc type=clir action=activate servicecode=*31
services assign_pxsc type=clir action=deactivate servicecode=#31
services withdraw type=3pty
services activate type=3pty
services assign type=3pty servicecode=95
services assign_pxsc type=3pty action=activate servicecode=*95
services assign_pxsc type=3pty action=deactivate servicecode=#95
services withdraw type=forcedFXO
services deactivate type=forcedFXO
services assign type=forcedFXO servicecode=01
services assign_pxsc type=forcedFXO action_act=activate servicecode=*01*
services withdraw type=cfu
services deactivate type=cfu
services assign type=cfu servicecode=21
services assign_pxsc type=cfu action_cf=activate servicecode=*21
services assign_pxsc type=cfu action_cf=deactivate servicecode=#21
services assign_pxsc type=cfu action_cf=register servicecode=**21*
services withdraw type=cfnr
services deactivate type=cfnr
services assign type=cfnr servicecode=61
services assign_pxsc type=cfnr action_cf=activate servicecode=*61
services assign_pxsc type=cfnr action_cf=deactivate servicecode=#61
services assign_pxsc type=cfnr action_cf=register servicecode=**61*
services withdraw type=cfbs
services deactivate type=cfbs
services assign type=cfbs servicecode=67
services assign_pxsc type=cfbs action_cf=activate servicecode=*67
services assign_pxsc type=cfbs action_cf=deactivate servicecode=#67
services assign_pxsc type=cfbs action_cf=register servicecode=**67*
services withdraw type=callreturn
services assign type=callreturn servicecode=69
services assign_pxsc type=callreturn action_act=activate servicecode=*69
services withdraw type=ccbs
services assign type=ccbs servicecode=37
services assign_pxsc type=ccbs action=activate servicecode=*37
services assign_pxsc type=ccbs action=deactivate servicecode=#37
services assign_pxsc type=clironcall action=activate servicecode=*31*
services assign_pxsc type=clironcall action=deactivate servicecode=#31*
services assign_pxsc type=waitingoncall action=activate servicecode=*43*
services assign_pxsc type=waitingoncall action=deactivate servicecode=#43*
fxsport config interdigit=3000
fxoport config incfxo=enabled
qos config type=sign&control qosfield=dscp dscp=af42
qos config type=realtime qosfield=dscp dscp=ef
country config country=netherlands
#if $_PROD_NUMBER="780"
dialplan add prefix=** defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=disabled minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=12 posofmodify=1 remnumdigits=2 insert="" rescan=no data=no action=ROUTE_excl_eon
#elif $_PROD_NUMBER="787"
dialplan add prefix=** defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=disabled minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=12 posofmodify=1 remnumdigits=2 insert="" rescan=no data=no action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=** defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=disabled minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=2 posofmodify=1 remnumdigits=2 insert="" rescan=no data=no action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=112 defaultport=VoIP fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=disabled minimumdigits=3 maximumdigits=3 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=no data=no action=ROUTE_excl_eon
cac config max#portsperprofile=all
config autofxo=enabled digitrelay=inband click2dial_ports=all rtp_portrange=1024-49151 sign_internal=external static_intf=disabled endofnumber=#
fax config detect_timeout=60 transport=inband_reneg udptl_redun=0

[ fwlevel.ini ]
add name=BlockAll index=1 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=strict service=disabled proxy=disabled text="Use this Security Level to block all traffic from and to the Internet. Game & Application sharing is not allowed by the firewall."
add name=Standard index=2 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=loose service=enabled proxy=enabled text="Use this Security Level to allow all outgoing connections and block all incoming traffic. Game & Application sharing is allowed by the firewall.."
add name=Disabled index=3 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=loose service=enabled proxy=enabled text="Disable the firewall. All traffic is allowed to pass through your SpeedTouch. Game & Application sharing is allowed by the firewall."
set name=Standard

[ language.ini ]

[ endofarch ]