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Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:21
door nicdel
Question, do you know why EDPNET is so slow since 2 days ?
No information on the EDPNET site....
I'm around 40k/s
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:23
door Converted
Where you from?
Same issue here. Position: Berchem (Antwerpen)
Around 100 K/s (instable)
Made already a ticket.
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:25
door nicdel
Kraainem (Brussels), when I check the latest speed test, I can see a lot of cities having the same issue....
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:28
door Converted
nicdel schreef:Kraainem (Brussels), when I check the latest speed test, I can see a lot of cities having the same issue....
Code: Selecteer alles
Wednesday May 16 2007
There is a general speed problem throughout French speaking Belgium and parts of the
Kempen and Flemish Brabant regions.
This problem will be solved as soon as possible.
We hope to have a solution by tomorrow.
We apologize for the inconveniences.
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:34
door nicdel
??? I don't see a special topic by following your link, only the homepage without any information on the issues...
Last results since 1 hour...
EDPnet 559 416 17/05/2007 11:16 EDPNET in KRAAINEM s**** since 3 days
EDPnet 4716 527 17/05/2007 11:14
EDPnet 4642 348 17/05/2007 11:14
EDPnet 227 527 17/05/2007 11:14 Mons very slow for 2 days
EDPnet 316 447 17/05/2007 11:13 EDPNET -> Kraainem
EDPnet 561 530 17/05/2007 11:11 EDPnet is slooooow in Auderghem
EDPnet 504 112 17/05/2007 11:09
EDPnet 511 530 17/05/2007 11:08 EDPnet is slooooow in Auderghem
EDPnet 482 523 17/05/2007 11:07 Home
EDPnet 609 530 17/05/2007 11:07 EDPnet in Auderghem
EDPnet 4764 527 17/05/2007 11:07
EDPnet 4711 527 17/05/2007 11:07
EDPnet 4840 530 17/05/2007 11:04
EDPnet 3461 402 17/05/2007 11:04 Visé
EDPnet 640 426 17/05/2007 11:03
EDPnet 4557 522 17/05/2007 11:02
EDPnet 4472 318 17/05/2007 11:02
EDPnet 611 423 17/05/2007 10:59 nivelles
EDPnet 1527 402 17/05/2007 10:53 Home
EDPnet 2134 320 17/05/2007 10:51
EDPnet 629 417 17/05/2007 10:29 MESSANCY
EDPnet 37 419 17/05/2007 10:25
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:39
door Mr.T ... tus_Issues
Wednesday May 16 2007
There is a general speed problem throughout French speaking Belgium and parts of the
Kempen and Flemish Brabant regions.
This problem will be solved as soon as possible.
We hope to have a solution by tomorrow.
We apologize for the inconveniences.
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:40
door nicdel
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:42
door nicdel
In fact it's from the 14/05....
Monday May 14 2007, 5:30 - 10:30 CET
A planned network maintenance to a main Broba II DSL router in Brussels has taken a
little longer than foreseen. This may have interrupted internet connections
throughout French speaking Belgium and parts of the Kempen and Flemish Brabant
In case you are still having trouble, it is best to reboot your modem/router.
We apologize for the inconveniences.
What a quick service....i'm thinking to change provider....
Hier even geplaatst
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:45
door Converted
Heeft hier iemand dezelfde problemen rond (instabiele) snelheid? Enorm slechte downloadsnelheden de afgelopen 3 dagen.
Al alles geprobeerd: andere modems (beide Thomson ST 536 v6), reset, restart, splitters nagekeken, kabels nagekeken.
Zou echt niet weten wat er nog meer zou kunnen zijn.
Zit in de regio Berchem-Antwerpen.
Iemand die in hetzelfde schuitje zit?
Modemlogs zien er goed uit voor een stabiele verbinding (6Mbit/s):
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:46
door Mr.T
The speed problem has nothing to do with the outage of the Broba II DSL router. That outage was caused by a planned maintenance (software upgrade) which went wrong.
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 11:48
door nicdel
Ok but it's the same part of belgium affected...and since the same moment we have speed issue...
But perhaps is it not linked....
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 17:36
door airzimmy
We're just temporarily rerouting all edpnet traffic over the server, that's why others are complaining this server is slow too!
Geplaatst: 17 mei 2007, 17:37
door meon
That seems like a plausible reason to me too
Geplaatst: 18 mei 2007, 20:18
door jve
Voor zij die het zich nog moesten afvragen, hier is de snelheid van EDPnet ondertussen terug in orde (vanaf 14u vandaag).