Vanaf 01/07 Netconnect: 75gb limiet en 50% nachtsurfen+ meer
Geplaatst: 16 mei 2007, 17:41
Wow, wat een geweldig nieuws alweer van dommel dat de gebruikers hebben kunnen lezen, ik heb het nog niet hier op het forum gezien maar vanaf 1 juli word het netconnect abbo omhoog getrokken naar 75gb en telt nachtsurfen niet voor 60 maar voor 50%. netconnect plus word opgetrokken naar 150gb. Aanleiding hiernaar toe is de komst van vdsl2 wat het wachten word tot begin 2008 en dommel iets wil doen voor het leed van de wachttijd te verlichten! Me lubs dommel. Screw de rest met hun stomme adsl2+, volgend jaar zullen wij dommelaars van heel wat beters kunnen genieten
Hier het directe nieuwsbericht:
Hier het directe nieuwsbericht:
onderwerp: adsl2+ or vdsl2: the road ahead
Over the past weeks some of our competitors have introduced adsl2+ offerings. Some of them are now offering adsl2+ packages on less then 3%!!! of the territory. Our customers have asked whether we will start offering adsl2+ also in the near future. We have chosen not to start offering adsl2+ because of the fact that no regulated offer for adsl2+ exists at the moment making it impossible to start offering this service on a national scale. By the beginning of 2008 however, our partner turboline should have rolled out its vdsl2 network in a big part of the belgian territory making symmetric speeds of up to 100 mbit/sec no longer a utopy. We will at that time offer our current adsl-subscribers the possibility to switch to the new accounts before their existing adsl-1 accounts have reached their expiration date. More info on VDSL2 can be found at ... ber_Line_2. Since we know waiting until 2008 can take a while we have decided to increase the included bandwidth in our netconnect account as of 01/07/2007 to 75gb. As of that moment the traffic used in the so called "happy hours" will only be counted for 50% instead of 60% and the rate for extra transfer will lower from 0.4 euro/gb to 0.3 euro/gb. The maximum limit of buying extra gb at this reduced cost will also be lifted. The included transfer in our netconnect plus account will be increased at that same date to 150gb.