Om verder te gaan, het probleem lijkt van de baan, waarbij ik EDPnet dank voor de genomen acties, Graag had ik geweten wat feitelijk het probleem is/was, hierbij nog wat extra info:
Hieronder de log van mijn modem bij de probleemstelling, vooral het deel bij de CHAP authenticatie intrigeert mij. Wat gebeurt er dan juist? En op welke manier kan dit fout gaan? is dit hardware/software? Storing op de centrale? Overbelasting vh netwerk? (vele vragen
- ik hoop dat EDPNet het vindt, want zo om de maand lig ik er voor een paar dagen uit, en dat is bijzonder lastig als ik van thuis uit wil werken...)
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Plugin pppoe loaded.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - PPPoE Plugin Initialized
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Plugin pppoe called.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - setting line discipline hook
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Sending PADI
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - HOST_UNIQ successful match
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Got connection: bd31
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Connecting PPPoE socket: 00:02:3b:02:67:d5 31bd nas0 0x1000d388
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - using channel 15
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Using interface ppp0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Connect: ppp0 <--> nas0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Couldn't increase MTU to 1500.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:06 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 - Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 -
Remote message: Login failed
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 -
CHAP authentication failed
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 - Couldn't increase MTU to 1500.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 - Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:07 - LCP down.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:13 - This terminate is called from lcp_finished()
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:13 - Connection terminated.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:13 - Doing disconnect
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:42:13 - Exit.
En dit is hoe hij het nu doet. Er is in de tussentijd geen instelling aan de modem veranderd, of aanpassingen aan de hardware en kabels gebeurd:
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:22 - Upnp Log: UPNP ACTION: upnpd starting up
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - Plugin pppoe loaded.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - PPPoE Plugin Initialized
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - Plugin pppoe called.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - setting line discipline hook
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - Sending PADI
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:41 - HOST_UNIQ successful match
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Got connection: 1eab
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Connecting PPPoE socket: 00:30:88:01:44:a4 ab1e nas0 0x1000d388
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - using channel 1
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Using interface ppp0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Connect: ppp0 <--> nas0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Couldn't increase MTU to 1500.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - Remote message: CHAP authentication success, unit 14433
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - local IP address 213.enzoverder
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - remote IP address 213.enzoverder
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - primary DNS address 212.enzoverder
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - secondary DNS address 212.enzoverder
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - run_program(/etc/ppp/ip-up)
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - record_child
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - record_child,pid=193
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:42 - return pid=193
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:51 - chld,got_sigchld=1
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:51 - reap_kids,waitfor=0
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:00:51 - reap_kids:pid=193
Sun, 2002-09-08 14:01:13 - Send out NTP request to
Mon, 2008-03-03 18:06:49 - Receive NTP Reply from
DSL Connection Help...
DSL Status: Connected
DSL Modulation Mode: T1.413
DSL Path Mode: Fast
Downstream Rate: 2048 kbps
Upstream Rate: 512 kbps
Downstream Margin: 11 db
Upstream Margin: 18 db
Downstream Line Attenuation: 54 db
Upstream Line Attenuation: 14.5 db
Downstream Transmit Power: 0
Upstream Transmit Power: 0
PVC Connection
Encapsulation: RFC 2516 PPPoE
Multiplexing: LLC
Qos: UBR
Pcr Rate: 0
Scr Rate: 0
Autodetect: Enable
VPI: 8
VCI: 35
Enable: Yes
PVC Status: Up
Gateway Information Help...
Firmware Version: 1.00.09
MAC Address: 00:18:yeahright
Current Time: 2008-03-03 18:12:21
Internet Connection
Login Type RFC 2516 PPPoE
Interface: Up
IP Address: 213.enzoverder
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway: 213.enzoverder
DNS1: 212.enzoverder
DNS2: 212.enzoverder