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Weergave uitklappen Voorafgaande berichten: Geekness-test

door meon » 27 aug 2003, 18:08

Kheb es de geek-antwoorden gegeven, naar mijn mening :-)

You are 86% geek
You're pretty much a nerd, sure enough. So if that's what you wanted to hear, well done, ish. I mean you're a "kind-of" geek, but definitely not gifted. Either you're a hard worker who's as thick as two short sales executives, or you just can't be bothered with detail. Whichever, you're a loser.

I rule (again) :)

door Sh@rpEye » 27 aug 2003, 18:00

heb em ook is gedaan: 52%

You've either spent an unhealthy amount of time forcing your inadequate intellect to understand the little you know, or you've settled for knowing the minimum you could get away with, you lazy git.

da int rood, da klopt :D

door Sub Zero » 27 aug 2003, 17:33

Ik denk dat ik met deze score de recordhouder ben... You are 83% geek :-D Het is de sfeer die hier hangt die mij drijft.


door Sh@rpEye » 27 aug 2003, 17:01

lol, te grappige vragen en antwoorden gewoon :)

door Massachusetts » 27 aug 2003, 10:36

Nog es de geekness test gedaan. En ik ben minder geek geworden: 30%. 't Zal wel aan de vakantie liggen. :-)

door Polleke » 26 jul 2003, 10:48


Heb me ook eens bezig gehouden, 2 keer zelfs, maar denk niet dat die scores veel zeggen :
1e : 31 %
2e : 72 %

en nu gij...

door flamenca » 25 jul 2003, 21:31

Ik behaalde 73%....
En dat voor iemand die vorig jaar ver gebuisd was voor ICT.... hmmmm waren ons examens maar zo.... maar ja, die zijn gebaseerd op MS-testen van VDAB...



door Sub Zero » 22 jul 2003, 23:05

Je ziet hoe een mens op 5 maand kan veranderen... Ik heb nu 68%
Op naar Nukem zijn record. :-)


door Nob » 22 jul 2003, 22:48

Mzz 75 % geek :p



door CueBoy » 22 jul 2003, 19:09

69%... :oops: moet ik nu blij of bedroefd zijn ? :twisted:

door Massachusetts » 22 jul 2003, 13:50

Ik heb de test ook gedaan.
I had a score of 45%. :-D Ik ben nog nie zo geekless als ik dacht.
Maar ik wist dat ik ook nie echt een supergeek was. Dus het komt nogal overeen met de werkelijkheid.

door NuKeM » 20 feb 2003, 20:26

You are 79% geek :D
Damn dat moet toch beter kunnen :wink:

Nog eens geprobeerd en terug 79% :(

door Sub Zero » 20 feb 2003, 18:47

Ik heb de test gedaan en het resultaat is 41%. Het valt allemaal nog wel mee dus.



door meon » 20 feb 2003, 18:01

Ik had een testje gevonden op het net om te testen hoe 'geeky' je wel niet bent. De test op zich is vrij waardeloos, maar ik vond de mogelijkheden zo leuk dat ik jullie deze niet wil onthouden :D

Voor diegenen die de interactieve versie willen afleggen:

Voor de spiekers: Een overzicht van alle mogelijke vragen:

  1. The weather is fine with the sun shining, do you... ?
    - Stay in bed
    - Try and finish Halo
    - Go out to enjoy the sunshine
    - Dress up and re-enact a medieval battle with my mates
  2. BTInternet?
    - Aaarghh!
    - Aaarghh! No SLA!
    - Broadband
    - Er... You mean the Internet, er, phone company?
  3. What is the significance of the number 71077345?
    - Lowest non-prime in Kleinmann set
    - 10th-17th significant figures of pi
    - Shell Oil
    - Nothing
  4. Totally addicted to... ?
    - Bass
    - Base64
    - Moon Base Alpha
    - Heroin
  5. A member of the opposite sex approaches do you...
    - Bury your head in your work, blushing furiously?
    - Bury your head in your work, hoping (s)he will notice the complexity of the algorithm you're working on?
    - Bury your head in the sand. Ostriches mate for life?
    - Bury them in a shallow grave. They tempted you with impure thoughts?
  6. Orac or K9?
    - Orac, clearly. He was only a flashing box, but he knew the answers. Plus I loved Servilan.
    - K9. If he was good enough for the Doctor, then who am I to disagree?
    - How old are you?
  7. C sharp is... ?
    - A programming language developed by Microsoft
    - An evil conspiracy to subvert and divide the programming community
    - The same as D flat
  8. How often do you wash your clothes?
    - After they've been worn once
    - Never, I haven't got a bluetooth-enabled washing machine yet
    - My mother washes my clothes
    - When people start avoiding me at work
  9. Undefined is not defined is... ?
    - A JavaScript runtime error message
    - Only possible in a loosely-typed language
    - True
    - The kind of annoying error message Internet Explorer comes up with just before it crashes.
  10. The questions in this Geek-o-meter are... ?
    - Silly. They trivialise the nature of computer science and the hard-working experts who labour long and hard in this area.
    - Dull. In fact I've just fallen asleeeeeee...
    - Worryingly imprecise. For example, in the buffer overflow question why are hackers assumed to be malicious? And as for the question about Star Trek! What about Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Enterprise?
    - There aren't enough pictures of Britney Spears.
  11. Last night, what did you have for dinner?
    - Pizza
    - Whatever was in the fridge
    - Lager
    - Grilled seabass with shredded spring onions, chillies and lemon grass on a bed of saffron cous-cous
  12. What is the best name for a baby boy?
    - Steve
    - Bill
    - Linus
    - XeCRabLe
  13. Who was Dvorak?
    - The creator of the alternative to the abomination that is QWERTY
    - No idea. Stupid name anyway
    - A Czech composer
    - Don't you know how to make the correct ř and á, then?
  14. Evaluate the following in base2: 1101 x 10101
    - 100010
    - 11121201
    - 100010001
    - How delighful, a palindromic binary integer
  15. Will you be my friend?
    - Yes
    - No
    - What's a 'friend'?
    - OMDB. YOYO
  16. Does an Excel 'If' function... ?
    - Return one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.
    - Offer a chance to prove virility and attractiveness to the opposite sex with e.g. =IF($J$14="YES",1/3,('Impression Calculator'!$H$11+'Impression Calculator'!$H$24+(IF(E36>='Impression Calculator'!$B$49,'Impression Calculator'!$D$49,0))))
    - What is Excel?
    - Hamster
  17. If you came across a MMORPG would you... ?
    - Play it
    - Program with it
    - Use Nortons or McAfee to get rid of it
    - Despise it and all who have tasted its delights
  18. What does SPARC stand for?
    - Sample Process Algorithm Reduction Class
    - Sun Programmers All Read Comics
    - Scalable Processor Architecture
    - Ssh, mother, I can't concentrate on the quiz with you whispering in my ear
  19. What languages do you speak?
    - English
    - Several European languages, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Esperanto and Basque, or some other equally large set
    - Klingon, Vulcan and Wookie
    - I could speak Fortran before I could say Mummy or Daddy
  20. If you see a computer lying with its guts exposed, do you...
    - Computers don't have guts, do they?
    - Put it back together. Dust can play havoc with PCBs?
    - Smash its exposed innards into so much silicon dust?
    - Install an extra fan and overclock the GPU?
  21. Which of the following best describes you?
    - Lion, king of the jungle
    - Mouse
    - Javanese Rhino
    - Radish
  22. You've been working in the shell all day. Are you... ?
    - A garage attendant
    - A bomb disposal expert?
    - Just finished a long Telnet session
    - A mollusc
  23. Who invented the Web?
    - Tim Berners-Lee
    - Peter Parker
    - MSN
    - BT (according to them)
  24. See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have... ?
    - Good luck
    - A penny
    - What's this got to do with how nerdy I am?
  25. What is a buffer overflow?
    - A kind of train accident
    - A feature of many Microsoft programs
    - An exploitable loophole in some software, allowing malicious users to gain control of the remote machine.
    - When you have too many old men in one place and they start leaking out.
  26. Putting porn on the Internet is... ?
    - Immoral
    - Profitable
    - Harmless fun
    - Bringing work and leisure together in one convenient package
  27. I prefer to share my bed with:
    - My Partner
    - Someone else's partner
    - A laptop
    - Java 2 certification study guide
  28. What is Viagra?
    - A prescription drug made by Pfizer for treating chronic erectile disorder
    - A Canadian waterfall
    - Fantastic
    - Aaaaaaaarghhh! Spam!
